Library Closure Policy

This policy is intended to provide guidance in the event of a local, regional, or national event that requires the restriction of services and/or access to the library.

The Atchison Public Library will comply with any federal, state, or local directives to limit activities up to and including the closure of the library.

If a “stay-at-home” order is issued, the library will close to the public and provide only services as allowed by the order. Staff will continue to be compensated pending review by the Atchison Library Board of Trustees. Benefits such as insurance will continue to be paid and leave time will accumulate as per policy. Full-time employees will be paid their regular pay. Part-time employees will be paid their average weekly pay, calculated from the previous 4 pay periods.

If an employee has scheduled vacation or sick time during a full or partial closure, they have the option to cancel the leave request if it will not be used.

If possible, staff will work in the library. A rotating schedule may be used so that staff work a schedule with some days in the library and some days at home. While working at home, staff will document how their time is spent in hour increments.

If local closures impact child care, employees may have their children at the library for a limited time while other arrangements are made. This may not always be possible and employees would be able to use leave time as needed.

To the degree possible, the library will provide the following services:

  1. Curbside pickup of materials.
  2. Printing and faxing
  3. Use of public computers
  4. Home bound delivery
  5. Notary service
  6. Programming

The library board and the director will review the plan of action at regularly scheduled intervals to be set at the start of a closure. The minimum review would be at the regular monthly board meeting on the 4th Monday of each month. Review may be done through email or a special meeting may be called if deemed necessary.


Reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors on April 22, 2024