Atchison Public Library

Bylaws of the Board of Directors

A.  Mission

It is the goal of the Atchison Library to provide all patrons the needed services to research, technology, reading and other resources as they fit the needs of the community as a whole.

The Board has the responsibility of making and directing the policy of the Atchison Library, in accordance at all times with the statutes of the State of Kansas.  Its responsibilities include promotion of library interests, securing of adequate funds to carry on the work satisfactorily, and the administration and control of library funds, property and equipment.

B.  Directors

The Board of Directors of the Atchison Library is a seven-member board appointed by the Atchison City Commission.  (K.S.A. 12-1222) Terms are for a duration of four years.  Any director may serve two consecutive full terms.  A one year waiting period must be observed before re-application can be made by a director who has served two consecutive terms.

In addition to the appointed members, the mayor shall be an ex-officio member of the board, which means by virtue of the office or position, the mayor is a member.*

Vacancies are filled in the same way as four-year appointments.  A person appointed to serve out an unexpired term is eligible to be appointed for two more full terms.  (K.S.A. 12-1222)

If a board member’s term has expired but they have not yet been reappointed, State Attorney General Opinion 70-282 will be followed.  It states “Upon the expiration of their terms, members of a public library board may continue to serve as de facto officials until such time as either their reappointment or the appointment of successors is approved.  Any acts taken by them while in a de facto position are as binding on the public as if they were de jure members.”

C.  Meetings

The Library Board will meet on the fourth Monday of January–April and June–November at 6:00 PM at the Atchison Library.  In May, the Library Board will meet on the third Monday, at the same time and place.  This meeting will also be the annual meeting.  There will be no meeting in the month of December.

Special meetings may be called by the president or upon written request of the majority of the members.  Written notice stating the time and place of any special meeting and the purpose for which called shall, unless waived, be given to each member of the Board at least two days in advance of such meeting and no business other than that stated in the notice shall be transacted at such meeting.  (K.S.A. 12-1224 and K.S.A 12-1243)

The unexcused absence of a member of the Board from two (2) consecutive meetings shall be cause for the president to prepare and transmit to such member a letter of reprimand.  Three (3) such absences  shall be construed as a resignation from the Board.

All meetings of the Board shall be subject to and in conformity with the Kansas Open Records Act (K.S.A. 75-4317) except as authorized by K.S.A. 75-4319.

D. Officers

Officers of the Board shall be elected each year at the annual May meeting of the Board and shall be as follows: president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer.

1.  The president of the Board shall preside at meetings, appoint all committees, serve as ex-officio member of all committees, authorize calls for any special meetings and generally perform the duties of the presiding officer.

2.  The vice-president shall preside in the absence of the president and shall assume the duties of the president.

3.  The secretary of the Board shall see that there is a true and accurate account of all proceedings of the board meetings.  Approval of the minutes should be noted.

4. The treasurer shall participate in the budget preparation with the director and attend city and county budget meetings when needed.  Checks shall be signed with two (2) original signatures out of four (4) possible signatures.  President and treasurer will be the regularly obtained signatures with the vice-president and/or director signing on an as needed basis.  The treasurer shall review the monthly financial reports two (2) weeks prior to the monthly board meeting.  The treasurer must be bonded in an amount fixed by the Board and approved by the governing body of the municipality (K.S.A. 12-1226) The Board will review the amount of the bond during the annual meeting.

5. Board members may serve no more than three (3) consecutive terms in a board position.

E.  Committees

At the annual meeting or at the first regular meeting thereafter, the following standing committees shall be appointed by the president and confirmed by the Board:

  • Budget/Finance
  • Strategic Planning
  • Building Improvement

Each standing committee shall consist of two (2) board members and the library director, and they shall hold their offices until the next annual meeting or until their successors are appointed.  Their duties shall be such as usually pertain to their respective titles.  Non-board members may be consulted as needed.

There also shall be such special committees as may be required. Each special committee shall consist of three (3) board members.  They shall be appointed by the president of the Board, confirmed by the Board, and shall perform such duties as may be assigned to them by motion or resolution adopted.  Non-board members may be consulted as needed.

F.  Director

The director shall be considered the Executive Officer of the Board and shall have sole charge of the administration of the Atchison Library under the direction and review of the Board.  The director shall be held responsible for the care of the buildings and equipment, for the direction of the staff, for the efficiency of the library’s service to the public, and for the operation of the library under the financial conditions set forth in the annual budget.  The director shall attend all board meetings.

G.  Parliamentary Procedure

The Library will conduct all business according to the Robert’s Rule of Order, Newly Revised, where they are not in conflict with the policies that are adopted by the Board.  The library board meetings will be conducted under the Robert’s Rules of Order “Special Parliamentary Procedures for Small Boards.” Library staff will provide the meeting summary for review by the secretary .

H.  Amendments

The by-laws can be amended only by a majority vote of the Board.


*Attorney General Opinion 79-94 states that the mayor does vote even though an ex-officio member.  Ex-officio refers to one who is a member by virtue of title to a certain office and has the same rights, privileges, powers, and duties as members duly appointed.


Adopted by the Atchison Library Board of Trustees on May 28, 2013.

Revised and approved by the Atchison Library Board of Directors on September 23, 2024.